back pain

Who Should You See for Low Back Pain? Having Low Back Pain is one of the common reasons for visiting a Primary Care Provider in the United States. Initial treatment for LBP at this stage could range from prescription medications, use of imaging and diagnostic studies, instructions to rest and cease most activity and possibly a referral to physical therapy or other specialist. Early access to Physical Therapy services has shown to be helpful in preventing chronicity and re peated episodes of LBP but it's sometimes the last place the patient ends up. As a Physical Therapist I have new patients come to me every week with LBP and limitation doing normal activities and even their job, be it physically demanding or not. It isn't uncommon that I see patients with LBP of several months sometimes even a year's duration that have been on medications, have had an MRI (and have no idea what it revealed), have stopped all previous meaningful activity and are not better but only wors...